Aundria's Kitchen Entrepreneur Spotlight

What's up, Cape Cod! It's Saturday so we've got another amazing Black-owned business you need to know about!

March 13, 2023

5 min read

Amplify POC Cape Cod

Aundria Jones says she’s always been a go-getter and entrepreneur. A decade ago, a lemonade stand she opened with a friend made the Cape Cod Times. There might’ve been something in that water because she majored in culinary arts at Upper Cape Tech, and has already toured Europe learning the culinary secrets of the Continent.

So it’s probably no surprise that today, this 20-year-old, full-time college student (majoring in business with a concentration in hospitality management) is already the founder and principal chef of Aundria's Kitchen in Falmouth. Well known for her custom-ordered holiday-focused sweet treats, charcuterie boards and themed cakes, she’s now branching out into family-style meals and even private dining.

Aundria spoke with Amplify’s Tara Vargas Wallace, who says Aundria has “that infectious energy vibe that just makes you want to soak it all in!" Check the bottom of this post for how to reach this up-and-coming star!

Amplify: What does Aundria’s Kitchen offer?

Aundria Jones: We specialize in holiday offerings. We’ll have something to offer every holiday, from cupcakes to charcuterie boards, to sweets and pies and more. We’re offering Valentine’s Day boxes right now, and we’ll always do special events, baby showers, and themed cakes, especially for kids. We’re also now doing family-style meals: Mac and cheese, lasagna, even buttermilk chicken, corn bread and mashed potatoes cupcakes! Everything is from scratch.

Amplify: What inspired you to get into baking and cooking?

Aundria Jones: I’ve always loved to cook. My mom is my inspiration. There are seven kids in our family so I grew up with large family meals and big barbecues in the backyard with our extended family. I studied culinary arts at Upper Cape Tech and went to Spain and Italy for a “Culinary in the Arts Tour” with two other students and my mentor and teacher Doug Alley.

[An award-winning baker, Alley owns Patticakesri in Wakefield, Rhode Island. He was a contestant on the Food Network’s ‘Crafty Christmas' Challenge, and has appeared on Cake Boss and ABC while he worked for Disney.]

Amplify: When did you start Aundria’s Kitchen?

Aundria Jones: Thanksgiving 2020. I put an ad in the Fabulous Falmouth page and got 10 orders. Then another 67 orders came in for Christmas. I decided to do this after I got fired from Atria Assisted Living. I wasn’t allowed to wear my headband — they didn’t understand Black culture with regards to hair. I’m working now at Peel Pizza and going to school and running Aundria’s Kitchen from home for now. I sometimes stay up until 3 or 4am baking.

I get help from my mom, brother and sister, and sometimes from my close friends, especially for holiday orders. My mom is amazing and she taught me the importance of family, hard work, and saving my money!

Amplify: Have you encountered any obstacles along the way?

Aundria Jones: During the holidays, my mixer, oven and phone all broke! The element in my oven blew up and caught on fire. I had to drive for an hour to a place that had the part. And I had to buy a new phone and a new mixer. Thankfully, with the help of my family and close friends, we completed all the orders. There’s always a solution to a problem - I just have to work with whatever gets thrown my way.

I’m energetic but not really a nervous person. Not everyone will like your work, but most will. I appreciate constructive criticism — it helps me learn and improve. I live by the quote “God is within her. She will not fail.: [Psalms 46:5]. It keeps me going and pushes me.

Amplify: Have recent events and the country’s current financial climate affected your business?

Aundria Jones: Yes. People are being very generous due to both Covid and the racial unrest, I think, but moreso because they want to support a Black-owned business. Several customers have actually told me they want to support a young woman running a Black-owned business while placing their orders.

Amplify: Where do you see your business in five years?

Aundria Jones: We’re creating a Web site now. In five years, I’d like to have a storefront. And I’d love to incorporate event planning and catering, and bring two of my closest friends into the business to help. I like being my own boss.

Aundria’s Kitchen, Falmouth

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On Instagram: or Aundria's Kitchen

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