Andre King Entrepreneur Spotlight

We hope you weathered this week’s storm and have your power back, Cape Cod! Because Tuesday is Election Day and we have a very special post for you about an excellent candidate for Barnstable School Committee.

March 13, 2023

5 min read

Amplify POC Cape Cod

In the years that I've known Andre he has always remained committed to creating an all inclusive community. He is genuine, kind, intelligent, qualified, and he has my vote! — Tara Vargas Wallace

Elect Andre King - Barnstable School Committee

Andre King is a long-time educator, basketball referee, dedicated community leader, and is now one of three candidates seeking a seat on the Barnstable School Committee in Tuesday’s election. When you meet Mr. King, you notice in conversation his love of community, which comes from a desire to give back. “My commitment to community. I think, is derived from the investment that community has made in me,” he says.

King’s vision for the Barnstable School Committee is one of deliberate representation that will be "reflective of our community here in Barnstable, that our diversity is our strength. The Barnstable Public Schools raised me and gave me an education; that gave me an opportunity that pushed me out into the “real world” with a perspective and capabilities to be able to come back to the community and be a productive member. I want that experience to be generalized.”

King moved to the Cape from Rockland, New Jersey, in the sixth grade. He has deep ties as a third-generation wash-ashore. “My great grandfather immigrated here from the Cape Verde islands at the turn of the 20th century. We visited for many years and then moved here when I was in the sixth grade.” He spoke in September with Amplify’s Tamora Israel.

Amplify: What inspired you to run for Barnstable School Committee?

Andre King: A desire to see classroom perspective within that body. To see an alumni perspective, somebody that went to Barnstable Public Schools, an understanding of the community. For a long part of my career within the Boston Public Schools, I was seeing things, I was experiencing things, I have an outlook that I think is relevant and could be helpful to this institution.

Amplify: What is the need you are filling with your run?

King: I believe that a classroom perspective is needed. There is one current educator, Joe Nystrom, who is serving. But there's no reason why more than one educator, teacher, can't be in that role. I think that we have placed a rightful emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion on the school committee within the town of Barnstable. Those core principles reflect my values. They reflect my experience. They reflect what's necessary for our students to reach their full academic and social, emotional, achievement and potential.

It's quite clear in the data, Massachusetts leads the nation in public education, and for many years. We recognize in the Commonwealth and -- I think it's generally recognized in the nation -- that when you have representation amongst your school staff, amongst your educational leadership, that's when the students really achieve their best results. I believe being on the Barnstable school committee will be an advancement of that representation for all of our students.

Amplify: What is your mission and vision for the Barnstable School District?

King: My vision for the Barnstable School Committee is that it's going to be reflective of our community here in Barnstable, that our diversity is our strength. Public Schools raised me, gave me an education, gave me an opportunity, pushed me out into the “real world” with a perspective and capabilities. For the 5,000 students in the district, in terms of my mission, I want it to be made clear that not only do all students belong in Barnstable, but they can reach their highest goals in Barnstable.

Students that have been in the district for many years, students that are coming into the district, we educate all students in Barnstable. The success stories, what we are able to achieve together, I think are second to none. Both on the Cape and Islands. It reflects why the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, again, is number one in the nation of public education. What we're utilizing, the business of public education, my vision, and my mission are personal. It's something that I've experienced.

Amplify: How did you go about running for office? What steps did you take?

King: Well first, it was a matter of the idea, the concept, having it in my mind. The thinking started towards the end of this summer, I finally said, you know, this is something that I'm going to do. I've worked on political campaigns as a volunteer, I had some understanding. So I reached out to people in the community for their advice and for their feedback. I received supportive responses and people said, you know, you can make a difference.

You have to get 150 signatures, go to the town clerk's office, get the forms, you print out another couple more forms, just in case. We formed our committee, the committee to elect Andre King, to accept donations. Then we met with different constituencies, getting the word out in the community, the lawn signs, the banners, and just making the appeal. I'm excited to be in the race and I'm also pleased that our community will have options. There are multiple people running in this election for two seats. On November 2nd, I want people to get out and make their voices heard. We'll see what the town of Barnstable decides and I'm going to be completely supportive of that decision on November 3rd.

Amplify: Have you encountered any obstacles so far?

King: It's my first race, I'm learning some new things. There's a process of discovery that frankly is invigorating. I'm glad to have fulfilled those requirements in terms of the signatures, establishing the committee, and so on. I have a great team around me. The feedback has been great. Now we’re getting out and making the appeal to the people.

There have been obstacles and the challenges that I faced and I think they are necessary if you want to be in public life. We do those necessary things and we’re able to get on the ballet and interact with voters.

Amplify: How can someone get involved in or support your campaign?

King: You can reach out to me directly at On social media, we have a Facebook page. I want to reach out to people myself, if you don't necessarily know me, but you know some people on the team that are working with me, speak to them, and I’d like to get your feedback. That’s highly encouraged.

Amplify: You obviously have a strong commitment to community, where does that come from?

King: My commitment to community, I think, is derived from the investment that the community has made in me. My great grandfather immigrated here from the Cape Verde islands at the turn of the 20th century. We visited for many years and then moved here in sixth grade. In terms of community activism, my experience coming up through the ranks playing sports, being involved in clubs, having a family to rely on, to support me, these things were so helpful for me to get to where I want.

Amplify: You were a history teacher for 11 years and a basketball referee for 12 years. If elected, which of the two professions do you think will be most beneficial to you while serving on the Barnstable School Committee?

King: I think that working in education will have the greater benefit of the two. Even though I find both to be incredibly valuable. Being a teacher, going through the process of earning my licensure, my experience in those early years. The process of getting the opportunity to be a lead teacher, seeing how the district functions, on that level. Starting off being an itinerant teacher, you know, and then having TA positions, and then lead teacher opportunities in different districts and then returning to Barnstable.

I'm a history person and Ken Burns is one of my heroes, so I don't mind sitting down and watching 10 hours of Ken Burns talking about his love of baseball. That might not be your cup of tea, you know, but if you can go out and play a baseball game. Play a basketball game. You can experience it in real-time. Athletics gives us the chance to actually experience these things that we sit in a classroom talking about. The emotions and the competitiveness reach peak levels in athletics but we're able to keep it in perspective. At the end of the day, we'd finished the game, we're in good health, we're in good spirits. We come back again the next day and try it again. I think that also helps in a school committee type of a forum where you have to make decisions.

We have different constituencies and so the decisions that you make sometimes, one segment will be applauding you and the other segment of the community will not be too pleased. I understand that those are valid reactions but then we have to come back together and continue the next day.

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Andre King Entrepreneur Spotlight

Andre King Entrepreneur Spotlight

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